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一个新的SRL模型,4层双向LSTM + highway + RNN dropout 05 July 2017

A new srl model, 4 layer bi-lstm + highway + RNN dropout.


  1. applying recent advances in training deep recurrent neural networks such as highway connections (Srivastava et al., 2015)
  2. RNN-dropouts (Gal and Ghahramani, 2016).
  3. using an A* decoding algorithm (Lewis and Steedman, 2014; Lee et al., 2016) to enforce structural consistency at prediction time without adding more complexity to the training process.

Analysis is complete

  • What is the model good at and what kinds of mistakes does it make?
  • How well do LSTMs model global structural consistency, despite conditionally indepen- dent tagging decisions?
  • Is our model implicitly learning syntax, and could explicitly modeling syntax still help?

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